It’s official! The
New Year is upon us, and I can sense it’s going to be incredible! Have you ever made a New Year’s
Resolution? I guess the bigger question
is, were you able to keep it? In
many homes, it is tradition to share your resolution while sitting at the
Dinner table on New Year’s Day. I don’t
know about you, but I usually make up something on the spur of the moment out
of guilt; “I’m going to quit ____”, or “I’m going to be nicer at _____.” I say that is pathetic. Why not look at the bigger picture. This year, why not make your Resolution, “I’m
going to achieve a Healthier and Happier Me!” Sound Vague?
I promise you it isn’t if you follow some of my simple steps. It takes time to form new habits, so for the
next 12 months I want you to incorporate 1 new step each month. By New Year’s 2014 you will feel like
12 Tips to A Healthier,
Happier You!
January: Drink more water! Drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day will
help support your entire system. As your
car needs gasoline to run, your body needs water to function optimally. Herbal, non caffeinated teas, are include in
the water category!
February: Start your day off right, Eat breakfast! Eating
within 30 minutes of waking will help start your day off right. As a result you will feel less hungry through
the day and you will be more productive. Remember breakfast should include a
protein. Egg omelets, tempeh, oatmeal
with hemp hearts, and yogurt and berries are all great options.
March: Get to bed early! Getting to bed early will allow your body
to replenish and restore itself. The
benefits of sleep are incredible. Try to
head to bed at least 20 minutes early this month.
April: Do a Spring Cleanse! Your liver is responsible for over 500
functions in the body including filtering out daily toxins. Cleansing will help
support your liver, giving strength to your entire system. (Keep posted for my upcoming class on
May: Exercise 30
minutes daily! A brisk walk in
nature, some strength training at the gym, or a basketball game at the local
community centre, regardless of the activity you like, getting 30 minutes of
physical activity daily increases vitality.
June: Eat Frequently! Eating regularly helps maintain your blood
sugar levels. By consuming food approximately
every 3 hours your energy levels will stay balanced therefore avoiding spikes
and crashes throughout the day.
July: Work on your emotional well being. Tell your family you love them. Resolve
conflicts with your loved ones. I
believe our emotions contribute to our overall health. If you are emotionally stable, you will be
stronger and healthier on the round!
August. Eat at home more
People who eat out tend to eat less-healthy food and weigh more than people who
eat in at home. The average Canadian family now spends almost 30 percent of
total food dollars at restaurants and fast-food
joints, according to Statistics Canada. To save money and pounds, start
tracking how often you eat out and how much you spend on those meals each
month, then gradually cut back.
September: Eat fat. Foods with healthy
fats include olives, salmon, nuts (not peanuts), chia seed, hemp hearts, and
nut butters like almond, pumpkin and sunflower.
Healthy fats lubricate the body helping it to function properly. (Click here to read more on Healthy Fats)
October: Use a plate, rather than eating snack foods
out of the box, carton, or bag it came in. You’re less likely to overeat if you separate
snacks into appropriate fist-sized servings.
This can be very beneficial when it comes to eating those Halloween
treats later this month.
November: Join a group or find a new hobby. Find strength in the things you love. Learn how to sew, take up a new sport, or
attend any community events near you.
Doing things you love will help you to decrease everyday stresses in
your life.
December: Pack your snacks. The hustle and
bustle around you may cause you to fall off schedule. You wouldn’t want to end
up eating out when you are doing Holiday shopping just because you are stuck in
big line-ups or traffic. Small
containers or baggies of mixed nuts and dried fruits, veggies and dip such as
hummus fit well in your purse for times of need.
2013 is going to be a great year for health and vitality. Stay tuned for the latest nutritional facts,
recipes, and more.
All the best in health,