Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Nutritional Recomendations for Athletes

I started coaching at the Running Room about 5 weeks ago and couldn't be more excited.  I am working with an amazing group of women who have taken the initiative to learn to run.  Last week, prior to our run, I did a presentation for them on Nutrition.  It's super important to fuel your body properly all the time, but you have to remember that the demands are even higher when you are physically active.  Here are some of the tips we talked about. 

Daily Nutritional Recommendations for the Athletes
The Following guidelines should be included in the diet:
·        Eat 4-6 small meals throughout the day to enhance metabolism and ensure a steady supply of nutrients to support the body’s functions. 
·        Combine carbohydrates with protein to allow the protein to be used as a builder and the carbs to replenish the energy storage. If take protein alone then the protein is used as a fuel source rather than rebuilding the muscles.  Mixing carbohydrates with a protein will also decrease the glycemic load of a food.

Daily Macronutrient Consumption
Carbohydrates (CHO)
·        Consume CHO with a medium to low glycemic index away from exercise, and high glycemic Food or supplement immediately following exercise.
·        25-35 grams of fibre daily
·        Greater exercise intensities = a greater reliance for glucose as the main fuel
·        Low blood sugar may be related to mental fatigue which in turn can be related to muscular exhaustion, proper intakes of CHO are critical.  Healthy carbohydrates work to replenish glycogen stores as quickly as possible
       §  Protein consumption will help increase energy, help with tissue repair following workouts
§  Great sources of protein:
o   Eggs, chicken, fish, turkey, tofu, tempeh
§  Protein Substitutes:
o   Whey protein isolate – fast release protein best consumed post workout and contains all amino acids the body needs
o   Casein – slow release protein best consumed before bed; it helps to support immune function and enhances muscle growth
Most non athletes require 0.8g/kg of lean bodyweight
o   Example : 165 pound (75 kg) non athlete will consume 60g of protein daily
Most athletes require between 1.2-1.8 grams of protein /kg/bodyweight on training days
·        Example : 165 pounds (75kg) lean, athlete consumes 90g (1.2g/Kg/bodyweight) of protein daily
§  90% dietary fat intake from poly & monounsaturated fats, 10% from saturated fats
§  Avoid fat 1.5-2 hours before training (slows stomach emptying)
§  Avoid fat immediately following training (slows stomach emptying)
Hydration and Exercise
      ·        Minimum of 3 lts of water daily will protect the body from impact or injury and regulate body temperature while flushing toxins from the body
Hydration Test!
Simply Healthy During & Post Workout Drink:
·       1 tbs (gives 15g of sugar) of Maple Syrup
·        2Cups of filtered water
·       Dash sea salt (for the electrolytes)
      ·       Cayenne pepper can be used to speed up the metabolism which is good in weight loss
Note:  If you are interested in learning more about specific nutritional needs during exercise, please contact me to book an Educational Talk for your group organization or yourself.

All the Best in Health,

Deanne Dietz, ROHP, RNCP, CNP